Editable fields in Ablestar Bulk Product Editor
Ablestar's Bulk Product Editor allows you to swiftly manage and modify multiple aspects of your Shopify product catalog. This article will cover the primary editable fields that you can manipulate using the Bulk Product Editor, including product fields, variant fields, Google Shopping fields, and metafield types.
Product Fields
Product fields are the elements that hold essential information about a product that doesn’t change for different variants. You can edit these fields to customize product information, providing your customers with accurate, comprehensive, and relevant details about what you're selling.
Click the definition name to take a closer look at how to edit each product-level field:
- Product Title: The name of your product. It should be unique and descriptive.
- Description: Holds detailed information about your product.
- Product Title: The name of your product. It should be unique and descriptive.
- Handle: A unique identifier for each product (formatted as 'polo-ralph-lauren-train-89-top')
- Vendor: Indicates the manufacturer or supplier of the product.
- Product Type: Categorizes your product, making it easier for customers to navigate your store.
- Tags: Tags are used to organize and categorize your products further.
- Collection: Categories that you create in your online store to organize your products.
- Price: How much a specific product variant will cost before shipping, discounts and taxes are applied.
- Compare at Price: Display a sale price next to the original price, showing customers how much they're saving.
- Product Category: Also commonly called the "Standard Product Type" field, and used to help manage your product data and determine the rate at which it is taxed.
- Product Status: Intended to help manage products before you're ready to sell them and after you're done selling them.
Variant Fields
Variant-level fields are related to product variations. For example, a t-shirt product might have variants like different sizes or colors, and the more obvious fields like price or SKU. Variant fields help you manage these different versions of the same product effectively.
Other variant fields you may not know about include:
- Continue Selling when Out of Stock: Indicates whether a product variant can be sold if it's no longer in stock.
- Inventory Level: Keeps track of how many units of a variant you have in stock at a specific location.
- Track Quantity: Indicates whether the product variant has a specific number inventory that is being tracked.
Google Shopping Fields
Ablestar's integration with Google Shopping allows your products to be listed on one of the world's largest marketplaces.
You can optimize these listings by manipulating the following Google Shopping fields:
- Google Shopping - Age Group: Allows potential shoppers to filter for products by a specific demographic.
- Google Shopping - Category: Should hold a value from a standarized list of a category names provided by Google.
- Google Shopping - Condition: Allows potential shoppers to see if a product is new, used or refurbished.
- Google Shopping - Custom Labels 0-4: Use the custom field labels to filter products in your Google Shopping campaigns.
- Google Shopping - Custom Product: Indicates to Google Shopping whether a product is unique and built-to-order.
- Google Shopping - Gender: Allows potential shoppers to filter for products by a standardized gender field.
- Google Shopping - Manufacturer Part Number (MPN): Uniquely identifies the product with its manufacturer in Google Shopping.
- Google Shopping - Size: Allows shoppers to see the size of clothing and shoes.
Metafield Types
Metafields extend the standard fields within Shopify, allowing for extra information to be attached to products, variants, and more.
While the Bulk Product Editor is equipped to handle a variety of metafield types, we currently have detailed guides for two major ones:
- Rich Text Metafields: Allow you to store text with some basic formatting.
- Dimension Metafields: Create metafield definitions for dimensions like weight, length and volume.