Product Category (Standard Product Type)

The Product Category field is selected from a standardized list of categories and is used to help manage your product data and determine the rate at which it is taxed. This field is also commonly called the "Standard Product Type" field. You can use the Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to modify the Product Categories in bulk.


  • This field was introduced in January 2022. Between January and September 2022 this field was named "Standard Product Type" but is now referred to as "Product Category". This is most likely to reduce confusion between it and the "Product Type" field.
  • The Product Category field is optional. If you set the field, the category must be from a list of predefined choices
  • While the choices for Product Category may appear to be the same as Google Shopping categories they are not all the same.

Product Category Data in the Bulk Product Editor

The Bulk Product Editor keeps an up-to-date copy of your product data in its database so you can run custom searches for products. Each time a product is update in Shopify the app receives the change notification (a webhook message) from Shopify and updates its database.

Due to limitations of the Shopify API, changes to the Product Category field cannot be synced with the Bulk Product Editor app in real-time. If you have made changes to your Product Categories outside of the Bulk Product Editor you'll need to manually trigger a data refresh. To do this, open up the app and:

  • Go to Settings -> Shopify Data in the left menu
  • Click on the refresh button next to Product Category

This will update the app's database with all changes to your products' categories.

In-App Edits

You can select the Product Category from a dropdown menu:

Spreadsheet Edits

You can set the Product Category with a spreadsheets by using any of the following values:

  • The category's ID from the GraphQL API (eg, gid://shopify/ProductTaxonomyNode/4)
  • The full path of the category
  • Just the last part of the category

For example, in the following screenshot all three rows will have the same effect:

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