Editing Product Type (Custom) Fields
The Product Type field (previously called "Custom Product Type") is used is optional and helps to classify products. You can use Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to modify the Product Type in bulk.
Choose if you prefer the 'In-App Edit' or 'Spreadsheet' method:
1. In-App Edits
As with some other text fields, you have the option to use placeholders to insert dynamic values into the Product Type field:
Go more in depth with How to Edit Text fields here.
Optionally, you can choose 'Add dynamic value' to pull in other data from your store, instead of manually inputting the term to be replaced. For example, if you want the vendor name to always match the product name.
Learn more about Dynamic values here.
2. Spreadsheet Edits
Prep your spreadsheet to include new Product Type data, noting the following:
- leading and trailing white spaces will be removed
- field is limited to 255 characters
✅ Tips and Troubleshooting
- Product Type fields were previously called "Custom Product Type"
- The Product Type field is optional and limited to 255 characters
- Shopify will remove spaces before and after a Product Type