Google Shopping: Edit Category

You can use Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to modify the Category for Google Shopping in bulk.

The Google Shopping Category field should hold a value from a standarized list of a category names provided by Google. This field tells Google Shopping how it should categorize the product

Choose if you prefer the 'In-App Edit' or 'Spreadsheet' method:

1. In-App Edits

When you specify the category, you can search by the ID of the category or the first few letters of the category name and then choose from the autosuggest list.

2. Spreadsheet Edits

Prep your spreadsheet to include new or modified category data to replace existing data, noting that leading and trailing white space will be removed.

Either the numeric ID of a category or the complete category path or both can be specified.

✅ Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Google Shopping categories and general Product Categories are uniquely different categories
  • The Google Shopping Category field is stored as a product metafield in Shopify. The Google Shopping channel will use the value of the metafield to sync the data to Google Shopping
  • You can download a list of all product categories from the Google Merchant Help Center (direct link to the text file)


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