Continue Selling when Out of Stock (Inventory Policy)

The "Continue selling when out of stock" field indicates whether a product variant can be sold if it's no longer in stock. You can use the Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to enable or disable this option.


  • This field is ignored if the variant's inventory is not being tracked. If the inventory is not being tracked the item cannot be out of stock
  • Because of how it's named in the API, this field is sometimes call the variant's "Inventory Policy"

In-App Edits

You can allow overselling or disable it with an in-app edit:

Spreadsheet Edits

Spreadsheet edits support setting the 'Continue Selling when Out of Stock' field if you use one of the following values:

  • continue - Continue selling when out of stock
  • deny - Don't continue selling when out of stock

For example:

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