Google Shopping - Condition

The Condition field for Google Shopping allows potential shoppers to see if a product is new, used or refurbished. This field is optional for new items but is required if the item is used or refurbished.


  • The Condition field is stored as a product metafield in Shopify. The Google Shopping channel will use the value of the metafield to sync the data to Google Shopping

For a product to be considered "refurbished" it needs to be professionally restored and come with a warranty

In-App Edits

When performing an in-app edit you can select the condition from the options and the app will set the metafield to the correct value:

Spreadsheet Edits

To set the values by spreadsheet you need to provide one of these three values in each cell:

  • new
  • refurbished
  • used

The values are case-insensitive and leading/trailing spaces will be removed.

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