Google Shopping: Edit Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)
The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) is value which uniquely identifies the product with its manufacturer in Google Shopping. You can use Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to modify the MPN for your products in bulk.
Choose if you prefer the 'In-App Edit' or 'Spreadsheet' method:
1. In-App Edits
From the 'Configure modifications' view, search 'MPN' or 'Manufacturer Part Number' to select from the Field to edit dropdown. There are several How to edit options available to configure your edits:
You can also choose 'Add dynamic value' to pull in other data from your store, instead of manually inputting the term to be replaced. For example, if you want the MPN to always match the SKU.
Learn more about Dynamic values here.
2. Spreadsheet Edits
You can update the MPN with a spreadsheet edit. Just insert the text in a cell and map it to the Manufacturer Part Number field:
✅ Tips and Troubleshooting
- This field is required if your product isn't custom and doesn’t have a barcode (GTIN/EAN/UPC/ISBN)
- The MPN is stored as a product metafield in Shopify. The Google Shopping channel will use the value of the metafield to sync the data to Google Shopping.