Google Shopping - Manufacturer Part Number (MPN)

The Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) is value which uniquely identifies the product with its manufacturer in Google Shopping. You can use the Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to modify the MPN for your products in bulk.


  • This field is required if your product isn't custom and doesn’t have a barcode (GTIN/EAN/UPC/ISBN)
  • The MPN is stored as a product metafield in Shopify. The Google Shopping channel will use the value of the metafield to sync the data to Google Shopping.

In-App Edits

You can set the Custom Label fields the same way you would set any other text field in an in-app edit. You can also use placeholders, for example, this sets the MPN to the variant's SKU:

Spreadsheet Edits

You can update the MPN with a spreadsheet edit. Just insert the text in a cell and map it to the Manufacturer Part Number field:

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