Overview: Search and Filters

Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to effectively search and filter products which can also save processing time for exports or edits.

From the app dashboard, click the Start an in-app edit button or click the 'Products' menu from the left sidebar. The app will search for products that have matching text or meta in any of these fields:

  • Title
  • Vendor
  • Product Type
  • Tags
  • Description

Once the 'Product' view appears, enter any term or keyword in the search bar to narrow down your product set and apply additional filters to export or edit:

Add Filters and Options

  1. Add a Filter

You can increase your search speeds by filtering the data set even further.

Click on the Add filter + button to select from a list of filters like collections, date created, or handles. Try any of our custom filters to quickly identify bulk sets of data:

  • Compare-at Price is Blank
  • Has Duplicate SKU, barcode or title
  • Has/Doesn't have images
  • Not in any Collection
  • Not in any Manual Collection
  • Price < Compare Price
  • Price = Compare Price
  • Price > Compare Price
  • Inventory quantity < > =

Learn other techniques to search for empty Tags or change capitalization

2. Specify the Options on each Filter

Several options could be available, depending on the filter:

  • equals/does not equal (case-sensitive)
  • contains/does not contain (case-sensitive)
  • is blank/is not blank
  • is greater than/is less than
  • contains any of the words

Advanced: Specific Products

Using the 'Specific product' filter is helpful in finding multiple key terms and cherry-picking a few items from the data presented. In this case I would like to search all products containing "lv8" and "acx" and then only filter out a few of those products:

  • Select 'Specific products' as the field to search
  • Choose specific items from the popup window checkbox
  • Add additional terms to choose more products

Click to run edits and start processing.

Advanced: List of SKUs or Product IDs

If you want to search for products that are in a list of SKUs or Product IDs you can use the filter drop down with the following conditions:
  • Select 'SKU' or 'Product ID' as the field to search
  • Use 'contains any of the words' as the criteria
  • Input a list, separated by a space:

If you copy SKUs or Product IDs from a spreadsheet, you can copy the column contents directly into the value field, only spaces are required.

Advanced: Searching Specific Variants

When you search for a variant field (like price or option 1 value) only the variants that match that value are returned. This way you can edit only some of the variants for a product.

The app will show how many of the total variants you have selected, based on the variant parameter specified. In this example, only 7 of my 10 variants are filtered for edit:

Clicking on the eye icon next to the variant number opens a popup window that list the exact variants for confirmation.

Preview Tips

Toggle Filter Match

If you are using multiple filters, you can change your matching preferences by clicking the Matching icon:

  • Matching on any filter: this matches using an OR relationship - the search will only return products where either filter1 OR filter 2 match.
  • Matching on all filters: this matches using an AND relationship - the search will only return products where both filter1 AND filter2 match

Learn how to save search filters for future quick access.

Confirm Preview

Once you have applied a search and/or filter(s), you will see a preview of all matching products below the editor.

Confirm the set of products matches your criteria and manually remove any that you are not needed by clicking the circle icon with the minus sign to the right of the product row:

✅ Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Filtering improves processing speeds by narrowing down search results
  • Save your search parameters for quick future access
  • No commas are needed when adding several words from a spreadsheet, just spaces
  • Learn how to search for duplicate barcodes, SKUs or titles quickly


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