How to Search for Duplicate Product Titles

You can use Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to identify products on your Shopify store that have duplicate titles. This can be helpful if you need to clean up your product catalog or if you have accidentally imported products multiple times.

Filter Products

From the product view, search for duplicate products using filters:

  • Click on the Add Filters + button
  • Search and select 'Has duplicate title' from the picklist
  • Add additional filters to narrow the list if needed. The 'Date Created' filter is commonly used.

The app will return a list of all products with duplicate titles on the preview.

Duplicate titles are case-sensitive. If you have two products, T-Shirt and T-SHIRT, they will not show up as duplicates because they have different case specified.

Click the Edit products button to modify products, or click the Export button to download a full list.

You also have the same options to adjust duplicate Barcodes and SKUs.

✅ Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Archive products before deleting. This allows you to verify changes and recover products if needed. Learn how to Undo a Bulk Edit.
  • "T-Shirt" and "T-SHIRT", with different case specified, are considered two different products.
  • Filters also have options to search for duplicate SKUs and barcodes


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