How to Connect or Disconnect Inventory from Locations

Shopify allows you to set up multiple locations in your store data to track inventory and fulfill orders from various locations.

Locations can be configured in the Shopify admin settings however, Shopify does not track inventory in each location, unless you specify it.

You have to manually connect the location to each product in order for Shopify to track your inventory. Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to search and edit those products that are connected or not connected for manual updates.

  • If you disconnect a product from a location, the inventory level for that location, prior to disconnecting, will be lost. If you reconnect that location, the inventory level will be 0. 
  • When you connect a product to a new location, the inventory level will be 0 by default. You will need to run a new edit to modify the inventory level.

Choose if you prefer the 'In-App Edit' or 'Spreadsheet' method:

1. In-App Edits

From the Ablestar Bulk Product Editor dashboard, click the 'Products' menu:

  1. Click on the Filters button
  2. Search and select 'Connected Inventory Location' from the picklist
  3. Choose Inventory is/is not connected to
  4. Click on the name of your location and modal should close and apply filter

Once you have confirmed your filter from the preview, click the Edit products button

  1. Configure your edit with the following parameters:
  • Field to Edit: select 'Connect Inventory Locations'
  • How to Edit: select 'Connect inventory to location' or 'Disconnect Inventory from Location'
  • Connect/Disconnect Inventory to this location: select the name of the specific location

  1. Click the Run Edit button to process changes

Remember, you can click the Undo button any time after processing finishes to revert changes but your inventory may get reset back to zero. Learn how to bulk edit inventory if you need to make revisions.

2. Spreadsheet Edits

If you have a number of products you want to connect to different locations it might be quicker to use a spreadsheet edit.

Your spreadsheet needs to have two columns: a product-level identifier in the first column and the ID of the location you want to connect or disconnect in the second column:

💡Two ways to find your Inventory item (location) ID:

  • Export your products using our app and format the spreadsheet to include 'Inventory quantities' on the report. There will be a column on the spreadsheet that indicates the 'Inventory Item ID' which is the same as the Location ID.
  • Shopify settings: From the Settings icon → Locations menu: click any location and the last digits on the URL (ie 1234567890) are the location ID

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