Exporting Shopify Product Data to CSV

Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to generate a spreadsheet of your products.

You might need to do cost calculations, modify titles or update inventory, and many times it is easier to configure these things in programs like Excel or Google Sheets.

First determine if you want to export all products, or filter products to a smaller selection:

Filter Products

From the Ablestar Bulk Editor 'Products' view, filter your products as needed and then click the Export button:

Export All Products:

From the Ablestar Bulk Editor dashboard, click the 'Export data' menu to navigate to the 'Export Data' view:

Once you have your data filtered, we are ready to configure the export:

Step 1: Spreadsheet Format

By default, the CSV format for export is chosen and there are more advanced options if needed

  • Feel free to rename the file that best fits
  • Click the Save preset button to save these options for future exports

Learn more about file formats in this article and how you can use advanced Delivery options to create public URLs or specific recurring schedules.

Step 2: First Column Options

First Column Identifiers:

The "First Column" field is used to identify the products being modified and will always be considered the match or identifier field. There is a significant difference between Product-level and Variant-level identifiers, depending on the data you are modifying.

  • Choose which identifier you would like in the 'First Column' field
  • Select checkboxes for the 'Additional columns' fields you would like to export
  • Optional: you can check the box at the bottom of the page to 'Include product fields for all variant rows'

If you include product and variant columns, there will be a row for each variant in the generated spreadsheet.

Step 3: Generating Spreadsheet

Once you have chosen all your data, click the Generate spreadsheet button. A progress indicator will appear, which you can close if needed and come back to download once ready.

Step 4: Downloading Spreadsheet

You can view a history of all spreadsheets that have exported at any time, from the Ablestar Bulk Editor menu:

  • Click 'History' from the sidebar navigation
  • Click the Exports tab
  • Click to search and filter reports if helpful
  • Click the Download icon next to any report generated

Step 5: Upload New Edits

Once you have downloaded the spreadsheet, you can use a spreadsheet program like Excel or Google Sheets to filter and modify the data, and then reupload through our app as a spreadsheet bulk upload.

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