Identifier Column in Product-Level Spreadsheet

It is important to understand how Ablestar Bulk Product Editor handles the first column identifier on spreadsheet edits for Product-level data.

When you export or import any store data, we want to make sure we can easily identify if you are trying to update all products or all variants or both.

Importing and exporting spreadsheets is simple if you keep in mind the Variant and Product-level identifiers:

1. Exports

The export function gives you several format options to choose from:

Each dropdown option is considered either product-level or variant-level (and sometimes both):

  • Barcode: product level
  • Product Handle: product level
  • Product ID: product level
  • Product Title: product level
  • SKU: Both variant and product-level (as long as each SKU is unique)
  • Variant ID: Both variant and product-level

When you choose a product-level option like 'Product Handle' or 'Product ID' to export, we configure the first-column identifier with that option:

This layout will also make it easier for you to re-import your changes and spreadsheet once finished.

2. Imports

Subsequently, when you are bulk editing all product detail, you can use any of these options as the first column identifier, keeping in mind that it could change all variants to the same value, so we recommend being mindful of the variant data that is present on the spreadsheet:

  • Barcode
  • Product Handle
  • Product Title
  • Product ID
  • Variant ID
  • SKU

3. Special Cases

There could be times when you want to update all products and product variants to the same value. In the example of changing all price (variant) fields to $19.99 you could use a product-level import as:

Product Handle Price
my-product-1 19.99
my-product-2 19.99

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