Filter Products and Export to Spreadsheet

You can use Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to export all product data or a subset of product data to a spreadsheet. When you export your Shopify product data to a spreadsheet, the app will include all products by default or you can filter to a lesser number of products. 


Start with an 'In-app edit'

  1. Click the Add filter button to specify a subset of products
  2. Add additional filters if needed
  3. Create and save the view for future use by clicking the (+) icon
  4. Once your filters are applied, click the Export button

Configuring the Export

This will take you to the 'Export data' view, where you can continue configuring your export with additional download options:

Spreadsheet format tab

Learn more about CSV, Excel and Matrixify file format options in this article.

Delivery options tab

As an optional configuration, you can click the Delivery options tab and configure a public URL or schedule Automated delivery as a user of the Advanced plan.

Configure Columns

Return to the Spreadsheet format tab and choose which column you would like to appear first on the download file. The first column is the identifier and helps to identify your products for future uploads. Learn why we format the first column identifier on all spreadsheets.

Click the Generate spreadsheet button to download the spreadsheet to your computer.

✅ Tips and Troubleshooting


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