Feature: Clone Edits for Future Use

There may be times you need to make multiple changes to the same set of products and filters. Instead of repeatedly setting up the same product filters to isolate the products, Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to clone a specific configuration to save time. 

Cloning an edit copies the original search and then allows you to choose different fields to edit.

Step 1: Find any Previous Edit

From the Ablestar Bulk Editor dashboard, click 'History' from the menu options and click on the Title of the row you would like to clone:

Once the edit view appears, click on the 'More actions' dropdown and then 'Clone':

Step 2: Clone Edit

A list of all the products matching the original search criteria will appear.

You might not see any products appear if the field you are searching for is the same field you edited in the original search. For example, if you changed the price on all products matching the < $20 criteria, then when you clone the edit, you won't see any remaining products listed < $20 because the prices were changed.

Click the Edit products button to edit the original configuration further.

Step 3: Run Edit

Once the 'Configure modifications' view appears, you can click to edit any field. When you field configurations are ready, click the Run edit button (or optionally, click the Schedule edit button to run any time in the future).

Learn more about Scheduling an Edit in this article. Additionally, our app enables you to run Recurring edits.


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