How to Hide Out of Stock Products with Recurring Edits

Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to use a recurring edit to hide out of stock products.

This feature is only available on Advanced and Professional plans.

In our example, we are going to hide visibility on all products that are active and out of stock.

Creating a Recurring Edit

From the editor dashboard, filter your products:

  1. Click Add Filters + button
  2. Search and select 'Inventory Quantity' that equals less than zero and then Add filter to apply

  1. Add another filter for 'Status' that equals 'Active'
  2. Click the Edit products button to apply filters and edit

From the 'Configure modifications' view, fill these fields:

  1. Field to Edit: search and select 'Visible on online store (Web)' from the picklist
  2. Choose Status: select 'Not visible on Online Store'
  3. Click the Recurring Edit button

From the 'Recurring Edit' view, fill these fields:

  1. Title: specify a unique title
  2. Frequency: choose 'Every 2 hours' or other as needed
  3. Status: Active
  4. Time to run/ Timezone: specify as needed

Click Save from the admin bar to apply all changes and create the recurring rule.

The job will now run every 2 hours to update any active products with zero inventory, to be not visible. Products that are out of stock will be hidden from your Shopify store.

✅ Tips and Troubleshooting


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