Viewing Edit History

Sometimes you may want to know why a product displays a particular value. Ablestar Bulk Product Editor keeps a detailed history of any time your products have been edited through the app editor.

We also built out the option to view historical records of imports, exports and files.

Depending on the plan you choose, we retain 60 to 180 days worth of edit history available for download.

Single Product History

To see the history of any product, you can search through the Shopify products function or the Ablestar Bulk Editor 'Products' menu.

Click the 'Products' menu and search and open any product. Once the product information appears, click the More actions button and select Edit history:

Once the 'Edit history' view appears, you will see the time of each edit. Hovering over that timestamp also displays the exact date of the edit:

To see all products that were related to that edit, click on the row of the Edit name. You also have an option to click the Download log button to download the direct copy.

All History

Ablestar Bulk Product Editor also allows you to view a history of all bulk edits that were made through the app functionality, as well as a history of imports, exports and files.

From the app navigation menu, click 'History' and all previous bulk edits will appear. You can click through the Exports, Imports and Files tabs to see more information, or search and filter all edits by key terms:

View all Exports

Clicking on the 'Exports' tab will display all previously exported product lists. Clicking on any row will take you to see more detail, or you can click the Download icon to download the direct copy.

View all Imports

Clicking on the 'Imports' tab will display all previously imported product lists. Clicking on any row will take you to see more detail, or you can filter and search by specific key terms.

View all Files

Clicking on the 'Files' tab will display all previously imported files, where you can click the Download icon to download the direct copy.

Note: the product edit history only shows the edits that occurred within the Ablestar Bulk Product Editor. If the product price were modified in the Shopify admin, it would not be visible in the product history on the app. 

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