Feature: Schedule and Automate your Edits

Scheduling an edit with Ablestar Bulk Product Editor can be useful in setting up and ending a sale. In this article, we highllight the steps of scheduling your first product edit.

In our example, we will lower the prices for all products in a collection by 10%. Choose if you prefer the 'In-App Edit' or 'Spreadsheet' method:

1. In-App Edits

Filtering Products

From our app dashboard, click the 'In-App Edit' option and your store products will appear.

In our example, we will search for all shoes that include the term "retro" in the product title and that have inventory less than 10 in stock:

  1. Input any search term and click Search.
  2. Click the Add filter button and search "Inventory Quantity" to choose for the suggested options.
  3. Specify the inventory quantities (ie less than, more than, equal to) and the quantity preferred and then Add filter button.
  4. Click the Search button and your filtered products will appear in view.
  5. Add more filters or click the Edit products button to continue:

💡Learn more about searching and filtering your products. 

Edit Products 

From the 'Configure modifications' view, we are going to decrease prices on all our filtered products by 10%. You can input each of these fields for practice:

  1. Field to Edit: Search and select 'Price'
  2. How to Edit: Search and select 'Decrease by percent'
  3. Decrease Price by percentage: Enter 10 (which equals 10%)
  4. Rounding: Choose 'Round decimals' so all prices end with the same decimal 
  5. Optionally: you can choose 'Modifications to Compare-at price' - learn more in this article

Confirm the preview of changes are correct and we'll continue to the next step:

Run and Schedule Edits

Click the Schedule Edits button and a pop up window will appear. In this example we'll choose to start the edit.

(Tip: If it is a sale you are scheduling, you may also want to schedule both the start and end at the same time):

  1. Select the checkbox to start or end your schedule:
    1. Start the Edit at a Scheduled Time
    2. End the Edit at a Scheduled Time
  2. Select date and time stamp from the calendar picker (Note: time picker matches the shop's primary timezone)
  3. Click the Schedule button and status will update to 'Scheduled'

User can click to Cancel edit at any time if needed.

When a scheduled edit is run, it will update all products that match your search filters at the time the edits are run. If you modify a product before the scheduled time that no longer matches the search terms scheduled for edit, that product won't be included in the edit.

2. Spreadsheet Edits

From the Ablestar Bulk Editor dashboard, click the 'Edit with a spreadsheet' option.

  1. Click to drag or upload your prepped spreadsheet
  2. Confirm the mapping detail is correct
  3. Click the Schedule edit button and a pop up window will appear
  4. Choose to start or end the edit
  5. Select date and time stamp from the calendar picker (Note: time picker matches the shop's primary timezone
  6. Click the Schedule button and status will update to 'Scheduled'

User can click to Cancel edit at any time if needed.

Learn the best way to prep your spreadsheets in our related article.

History and Modifications

Viewing History

To view scheduled edits: 

  1. Click History on the left hand side of the Ablestar Bulk Editor dashboard 
  2. Click the 'Scheduled Edits' tab

All scheduled and pending scheduled edits will appear. Edits are listed by start time to make them easy to locate.

Clicking on any history items will lead you back to the configuration step to cancel or check detail.

Modifying the Edit

From the History view, click on any row of scheduled edits and return to the configuration view, where you have a few options to choose from:

  • Cancel button
  • More Actions dropdown:
    • Clone
    • Rename
    • View configuration
    • Add to favorites

✅ Tips and Troubleshooting

  • Ensure no changes are made to products that might interfere with parameters set in a scheduled edit, or the product might not be included once the schedule runs.
  • Renaming scheduled configurations is a great way to keep track of multiple schedules
  • Time and calendar picker for scheduling edits, always matches the shop's primary timezone


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