Feature 6: Deleting Products in Bulk
Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to remove products that match specific criteria. In this example, we'll remove all products without a product image by filtering for that criteria and then proceeding to delete the products.
Step 1: Filter For Products to Delete
From the Product view click the Filters option, then choose 'Doesn't have images'. The preview pane will list all matching products:
Click the Edit products button to process.
Step 2: Deleting the Products
From the 'Configure modifications' view, input 'Delete Products' on the 'Field to edit' option:
Review the preview panel below to ensure all the products meeting your filter criteria are listed and then select the Delete products button to process.
The app will start deleting the products and you can cancel the process if needed.
Once a product is deleted, there is no option to revert or undo your changes.
Variation: Deleting Duplicate Products
There is no easy way to determine duplicate products, but assuming that your product titles are unique, the handle or URL identifier for any duplicated product will end with -1
on a store. We can use that identifier to tag and process duplicate products for deletion.
From the Product view, filter products with the following options:
- Add Filter +: specify "Handle"
- Dropdown: "Ends with" value "-1"
- Select Add filter to preview all filtered products
- Click Edit products to continue with the deletion procedure
✅ Tips and Troubleshooting
- Once a product is deleted, there is no option to revert or undo your changes.
- See also how to search for duplicated products