How to Create URL Redirects

When you migrate your store over to Shopify with Ablestar WooCommerce Importer, users will run into broken links if they have saved bookmarks to your old store.

Shopify and WooCommerce have different URL structures, similar to:

  • WooCommerce:
  • Shopify:

We want to make sure that your happy users do not run into 404 or 'Page not found' errors once you have migrated your store.

The Solution

Our Ablestar Link Manager/Redirect app can help you to create redirects for your products and category pages during migration and also scan your site for issues going forward. Additionally, you can schedule monitoring sessions on your site to scan for broken links.

Ablestar WooCommerce Importer app users that install the app following the instructions below will receive an extended 30-day trial of the Ablestar Link Manager/Redirect app. There is no obligation to continue using the app afterward, and your redirects will remain in place once uninstalled.

Free Trial Installation

Once you have migrated your store from WooCommerce to Shopify, in order to get the free trial discount, you will navigate back to the Ablestar WooCommerce Importer app dashboard:

  1. Click the 'Manage import' menu
  2. Scroll down to the 'URL redirects' section and click the Create URL redirects button

On the next screen, click the Install Link Manager button and then click through the Shopify installation steps.

Link Manager: Quick Start Guide

Once installed, navigate back to the Shopify admin and open Ablestar Link Manager:

  1. Click the View Quick Start Guide button to start
  2. The first section should already be done since we already installed the app.
  3. From the 'Enable broken link visit tracking' section:
    1. Click the Customize your theme button to enable the required settings
    2. Confirm the toggle to 'Manage Redirects' and click the Save button to apply changes
    3. Navigate back to the app quick start guide
    4. Click the Verify button once have enabled the theme:

  1. Copy and paste the the 'storefront password' and then the Save button to continue

Scan your Site

Scroll to the Scan your site for broken links option:

  1. Copy and paste your store link
  2. Click Start site scan to continue
  3. The progress bar should alert you once the scan is complete

Create Redirects

Return to the Ablestar Link Manager Quick start guide:

  1. Scroll to the 'WooCommerce Importer Integration' section
  2. Expand the section so you can click the Create redirects button
  3. Redirects will start processing in the background and you can close the app and return when ready

You can revist the the Link Manager app to scan for other broken links on your Shopify site once you switch your domain over from WooCommerce.

Tips and Troubleshooting ✅

  • Many store owners scan the site before and after the WooCommerce migration so they can clean up links and plan content before migrating.
  • Learn more about migrating your store with Ablestar WooCommerce Import


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