Rounding Prices in Bulk in Shopify

The Bulk Product Editor offers multiple ways to round prices for your products. This feature is particularly useful when you're modifying multiple product prices at once and want to maintain consistency and readability.

This guide will explain the three rounding options available in the Bulk Product Editor: rounding decimals, rounding the whole number, and rounding the whole number up.

Available Rounding Options

When you're using the Bulk Product Editor to edit product prices, you'll encounter three primary rounding options:

  1. Round Decimals: This option rounds the decimal portion of the product's price to a specified value.
  2. Round Whole Number: This option rounds the price to the nearest whole number.
  3. Round Whole Number Up: This option rounds the price up to the nearest specified value

Round Decimals

When you choose this option, you'll need to specify a decimal value to which all selected product prices will be rounded. For example:

  • Round to nearest 10: If a product's price is $12.54, it will be rounded to $12.50.
  • Round to 95: Regardless of the existing decimal, the product price will have its decimal part changed to .95. So if the price is $13.44, it becomes $13.95.

Round Whole Number

Selecting this option rounds the price of each product to the nearest whole number. For example:

  • If a product's price is $11.55, it will be rounded to $12.
  • If a product's price is $11.44, it will be rounded to $11.

Round Whole Number Up

This option rounds the price of each product up to the nearest specified value. For example:

  • If you set the rounding to the nearest 10, a product's price of $11 will become $20.
  • If you set the rounding to the nearest 5, a product's price of $23 will become $25.

Rounding Existing Prices

If you wish to round existing prices without making any other changes, you can set the percentage change to zero and then select your preferred rounding option. This will apply the rounding without altering the original price.


Understanding the different ways to round prices in the Bulk Product Editor can save you a significant amount of time and ensure your product pricing is consistent and customer-friendly.

Feel free to reach out if you have further questions or need clarification on using the rounding options effectively.

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