How to Backup Shopify Product Data

Regularly backing up your Shopify product data is essential to protect your business from data loss, technical errors, or unexpected changes.

Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to create exports of your product data and minimize risk.

One-Time Export

From the dashboard view, click the 'Export data' navigation menu:

  1. Select Data for Export:
  • By default, all products will be selected (Learn how to filter a smaller set of products here )
  • Choose the file format: CSV, Excel, or Matrixify or Google Shopping Feed.
  1. Checkbox columns to export:
    • Product attributes
    • Variant attributes
    • Inventory quantities
    • Google Shopping fields
    • Any metafields
    • Shopify Markets fields
  1. Provide a unique naming convention for the file to be exported
  2. Click Generate spreadsheet to manually download and save the one-time export

Automated Recurring Backups

You can configure the same export to run on a recurring schedule. This feature is only available on Advanced and Professional plans.

Once your spreadsheet is configured for export, click the 'Delivery options' tab:

Automated Delivery options:

  • Start at a specific time: use the default time, or specify which time is required for the recurring export
  • Repeat: use the default timestamp or specify the exact timestamp required

Click the Generate spreadsheet button to process the first export and save the schedule. A status progress view will appear where you can cancel the export if needed.

Once status is complete, you can click the Download button to access the local copy.

History of Backups

From the dashboard, click the 'History' navigation menu. You have a few tabs to choose from:

  • All
  • Repeating exports
  • One-time exports

Clicking through any tab will bring up a list of exports. Click on any export to view the configuration or download again.

✅ Tips and Troubleshooting


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