Feature 4: Modify Multiple Variants

If your Shopify products have multiple variants, you can use Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to modify several variants at the same time.

Choose if you prefer the 'In-App Edit' or 'Spreadsheet' method:

1. In-App Edits

Before starting any edit, make sure your products are filtered with the correct variants to edit. You want to filter your products using a variant-level field in this example:

You can use one or multiple filters:

  • Single filter: To filter for all the 'Small' variants you would filter for 'Option 1 value = Small'.
  • Multiple filters: To filter for all the 'Small' variants that are also 'Red', you would filter for 'Option 1 value = Small', and also for 'option 2 value = Red'

Click the Run edits button to configure edit fields for changes.

If you filter on a product-level field, it will update all the variants at once to the same value.  Make sure to use a variant-level filter for these edits.

2. Spreadsheet Edits

When bulk editing variant-level fields with a spreadsheet, you need to confirm the first column is always a variant-level identifier, so the app can determine what you are trying to update.

There is a significant difference between editing variant-level and product-level fields. In this example we are editing variant-level so we need the first column to be a variant-level identifier.

When editing variant-level fields, you only have two options as the identifer:

  • SKU
  • Variant ID

If you are unsure where to find the Variant ID number, create an export of your products from our app and you'll find the Variant ID column included

This spreadsheet demonstrates a bulk edit for two different variants, using the SKU as the variant-level identifier:

SKU Option1 Name Option1 Value Option2 Name Option2 Value
SKU100 Size Small Color Red
SKU200 Size Medium Color Green
SKU300 Size Large Color Blue

Check out this article for more detailed information on creating spreadsheets for bulk editing.

✅ Tips and Troubleshooting

  • If you are unsure where to find the Variant ID number, create an export of your products from our app and you'll find the Variant ID column included
  • Confirm if you are using a product-level or variant-level identifier for your bulk edits


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