Enabling WooCommerce API Access

All WooCommerce sites have an API that allows other applications to access the data programmatically. Ablestar WooCommerce Importer uses this API to import your store data from WooCommerce to Shopify.

For the Importer app to connect to your WooCommerce store, you need to enable the API on your WooCommerce site and generate a consumer key and secret.

Make sure permalinks are enabled on your Wordpress installation before activating the API

Recent Version

These instructions apply to versions of WooCommerce 2.4 and above. If you have an older installation of WooCommerce, scroll down to the next section for instructions.

Create New Key

From the WordPress admin dashboard:

  1. Click WooCommerce Settings from the nav menu

  1. Click the Advanced tab → 'Rest API' link
  2. Click the Add key button to continue:
    1. Specify [Description, User, Permissions] fields
    2. Click the Generate API key button to apply changes

Two credentials will be created for every API user:

  • Consumer Key: similar to a username (always starts with ck_
  • Consumer Secret: similar to a password (always starts with cs_

Copy and save the keys and secret that are generated:

Copy these values and store them in a safe place; once you leave the page, you won’t be able to see them again.

Revoke Key

In the case that you lost the Consumer and Secret keys, you can revoke the key for your user and create a new key:

From the WordPress admin dashboard:

  1. Click WooCommerce Settings from the nav menu

  1. Click the Advanced tab → 'Rest API' link
  2. Hover over any user description
  3. Click the revoke link

From here, you can follow the procedure to create a new key above and start over.

Older Versions

WooCommerce only supports the most recent version and 1 previous version. If you are able, consider updating your software for optimal security and best practice.

You can read more about the WooCommerce support policy here.

✅ Tips and Troubleshooting

  • The Consumer Key will always start with 'ck_,' and the consumer secret will always begin with 'cs_.'
  • WordPress permalinks must be set to any format besides 'plain' for the API to be enabled


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