How to Bulk Edit Google Shopping Fields

You can use Shopify to publish your products to Google Shopping but there is no way to edit multiple products at once. Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to bulk edit Google Shopping fields quickly and easily.

Choose if you prefer the 'In-App Edit' or 'Spreadsheet' method:

1. In-App Edits

This method works well if you want to set all Google Shopping fields to the same value.

Once you have filtered a set of products, from the 'Configuration modifications' view, specify the following fields:

  • Field to edit: select and Google Shopping field or 'Age group' in this example
  • Set the value: depending on the Google Shopping field chosen, you should have a few options to choose from. Refer to this article for a full list of Google Shopping fields.

Click the Run edit button and the products will start processing.

2. Spreadsheet Edits

Spreadsheets are helpful in the case you need to set a variety of field values for multiple products.

We are going to prep a spreadsheet with at least two columns in this example. Since we are editing a product-level field (ie. MPN, Age group or Gender), we will use the Product ID in the first column as the identifier. Read more detail about first column options.

The second and subsequent columns will be the action item to be modified, similar to this layout

Once the file is prepped, upload the file through the 'Spreadsheet edit' option and then map your columns and click Run edits to process.

✅ Tips and Troubleshooting

Shopify stores the Google Shopping Fields using metafields, which differs from how most fields are stored. This has a few implications:

  • Since Shopify stores the Google Shopping Fields using metafields, edits will take longer to run while additional API calls are updated.
  • The edit will update your Google Shopping fields in Shopify however, it may take a while to sync the data between Shopify and Google Shopping.


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