Complete List of Google Shopping Fields

You can use Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to manage your Google Shopping feed. When you do so, this is where the data is gathered from.

For all fields, if a value is set to "<EMPTY>", that value will show up as blank in the feed.

Field Name
id The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield:
  2. Product Metafield:
  3. SKU
  4. The text "shopify_[COUNTRY]_[PRODUCT ID]_[VARIANT ID]"

This field has a limit of 50 characters. If the value from numbers 1, 2 or 3 is more than 50 characters the format in #4 will be used instead.

The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.title
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.title
  4. The text "[PRODUCT TITLE]"
description The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.description
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.description
  3. The product's description
The description is limited to 5,000 characters and HTML tags are removed.
The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.shopping_link
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.shopping_link
  3. The link to the variant on your Shopify store
image_link The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.image_link
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.image_link
  3. The first variant image
  4. The first product image
additional_images The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.additional_image_link
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.additional_image_link
  3. The next 10 images for the product that are not "image_link"

This field contains a comma-separated list of additional images and is limited to 2,000 characters.

availability The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.availability
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.availability
  3. "in_stock" if the inventory level is > 0, the inventory is not tracker or if overselling is enabled
  4. "out_of_stock"
price The first of:
  1. The compare price field, if it's not blank or zero
  2. The price field
sale_price The first of:
  1. The price field, if the compare price field is not blank or zero
google_product_category The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.google_product_category
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.google_product_category
  3. Product Type (if it matches a Google Category name)
  4. Product Category (if it matches a Google Category name)
  5. Product Tag (if it matches a Google Category name)
product_type The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.product_type
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.product_type
  3. Product Type field (Custom Product Type)
brand The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.brand
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.brand
  3. Vendor field

This field will be blank if no gtin is provided.

gtin The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.barcode
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.barcode
  3. Barcode field
mpn The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.mpn
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.mpn
  3. SKU field

This field will be blank if no gtin is provided.

condition The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.condition
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.condition
  3. "new"
adult The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield:
  2. Product Metafield:
  3. Option value is option name is "Adult"
  4. Tag value is tag starts with "Adult:"
  5. Default to "no"
energy_efficiency The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.energy_efficiency_class
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.energy_efficiency_class
  3. Option value is option name is "Energy Efficiency Class"
  4. Tag value is tag starts with "energy efficiency class:"
  5. Defaults to empty string
age_group The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.age_group
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.age_group
  3. Option value is option name is "Age Group"
  4. Tag value is tag starts with "age_group:"
  5. Defaults to empty string
color The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.color
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.color
  3. Option value is option name is "Color"
  4. Tag value is tag starts with "color:"
  5. Option value is option name is "Colour"
  6. Tag value is tag starts with "colour:"
  7. Defaults to empty string
gender The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.gender
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.gender
  3. Option value is option name is "Gender"
  4. Tag value is tag starts with "gender:"
  5. Defaults to empty string
material The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.material
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.material
  3. Option value is option name is "Material"
  4. Tag value is tag starts with "material:"
  5. Defaults to empty string
pattern The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.pattern
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.pattern
  3. Option value is option name is "Pattern"
  4. Tag value is tag starts with "pattern:"
  5. Defaults to empty string
size The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.size
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.size
  3. Option value is option name is "Size"
  4. Tag value is tag starts with "size:"
  5. Defaults to empty string
size_type The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.size_type
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.size_type
  3. Option value is option name is "Size type"
  4. Tag value is tag starts with "size_type:"
  5. Defaults to empty string
size_system The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.size_system
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.size_system
  3. Option value is option name is "Size system"
  4. Tag value is tag starts with "size_system:"
  5. Defaults to empty string
item_group_id The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.item_group_id
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.item_group_id
  3. Product ID
shipping_label The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.shipping_label
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.shipping_label
  3. Option value is option name is "Shipping Label"
  4. Tag value is tag starts with "shipping_label:"
  5. Defaults to empty string
shipping_weight The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.weight
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.weight
  3. Weight field
custom_label_0 The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.custom_label_0
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.custom_label_0
custom_label_1 The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.custom_label_1
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.custom_label_1
custom_label_2 The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.custom_label_2
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.custom_label_2
custom_label_3 The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.custom_label_3
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.custom_label_3
custom_label_4 The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.custom_label_4
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.custom_label_4
unit_pricing_measure The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.unit_pricing_measure
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.unit_pricing_measure
unit_pricing_base_measure The first of:
  1. Variant Metafield: mm-google-shopping.unit_pricing_base_measure
  2. Product Metafield: mm-google-shopping.unit_pricing_base_measure


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