How to Sync Inventory with Web URLs

Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to use Inventory Sync jobs to periodically synchronize data between different suppliers or product feeds and your store. Inventory Sync simplifies the process of updating your store's product inventory by retrieving spreadsheet files from various sources.

The Inventory Sync function can download a spreadsheet from a remote server using the following formats to update product data in your Shopify store:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • FTP
  • Web URL

You can also configure the job to run on a custom schedule.

This feature is only available on Advanced and Professional plans.

Sharing a Web URL Format

To retrieve spreadsheet files from a web URL, simply use the complete URL provided by the source in the format similar to:

Inventory Sync will process the URL, retrieve the file, paste into the app and update your store's product inventory accordingly.


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