Creating a Custom Product Rule

You can use the Bulk Product Editor app to create a custom Product Rule. In this example, we will create a Product Rule to edit the product status of all products with the vendor “Ablestar Documentation” to “Draft.” This feature is available on the Advanced and Professional plans.

In order to follow along, you should have:

  • The Bulk Product Editor app installed
  • Products on your Shopify store to edit

Step 1: Create a Product Rule

  1. Open the Bulk Product Editor app
  2. Select Filters 

3. Search for Vendor 

4. Set the option to equals

5. Select Ablestar Store as the vendor 

6. Select Create Rule

Step 2: Add Modification

You can configure how the product will be updated if it matches the rule.

  1. Select Status as the field to edit
  2. Choose Draft
  3. Select Add Modification

If you would like to add more than one modification, select Add Modification in Product Modifications

Step 3: General Settings

  1. Set the Product Rule Title 
  2. Set the Status to Active
  3. Ensure that the Search Parameters are correct 

Step 4: Add Negative Modification (Optional)

Negative Modifications allow you to configure how the product if none of its variants matches the Product Rule.

  1. Select Add Modification

2. Select Status as the field to edit

3. Choose Active

4. Select Add Modification

Any vendor that is not Ablestar Documentation will be set to Active.

Step 5: Save Changes

  1. Once you are satisfied with the Product Rule, select Save Changes

2. Select Refresh to set all products initially 

In the History list, you will be able to see the product updating in real time:

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