Using a Pre-Made Product Rule
You can create a rule using a pre-made template to get started with Product Rules. In this example, we are going to add tags to On-Sale products. This feature is available on the Advanced and Professional plans.
In order to follow along, you should have:
- The Bulk Product Editor app installed
- Products on your Shopify store that are On Sale
Step 1: Use Pre-made Product Rule
- Select Product Rules on the left hand side of the Bulk Product Editor app
2. Select Pre-Made Rules
3. Find the Product Rule titled “Add Tag to On-Sale Products,” then select Use Rule
Step 2: General Settings
- Set the Product Rule Title
- Set the Status to Active
- Ensure that the Search Parameters are correct
Step 3: Product Modifications
You can configure how the product will be updated if it matches the rule. Since we are using a pre-made template, the modification has been created for us. If you want to customize the rule, you can add or remove the existing tags.
To add a new tag:
- Select Add Modification
2. Set Tags as the Field to Edit
3. Choose Add tag(s) to product as How to Edit
4. Type the new tag name, then press enter
5. Select Add Modification
To remove a tag:
- Select the trash can icon under Actions
2. In the popup, select OK
Step 4: Add Negative Modification (Optional)
Negative Modifications allow you to configure how the product will be updated if none of its variants match the Product Rule.
To remove an existing tag:
1. Select the trash can icon under Actions
2. In the popup, select OK
To add a new tag:
- Select Add Modification
2. Choose Tags as the Field to Edit
3. Choose Remove tag(s) to product as How to Edit
4. Type the tag name to remove, then press enter
5. Select Add Modification
Step 5: Save Changes
- Once you are satisfied with the Product Rule, select Save Changes
2. Select Refresh to set all products initially.
Refreshing allows the Product Rule to go through all products currently in the store and ensure they have the correct tags.
In the History list, you will see two rules updating tags in real-time:
- Refresh Rule 'Add Tag to On-Sale Products' adds the OnSale tag to new products that are On-Sale
- Refresh Rule 'Add Tag to On-Sale Products' (Negative match) removes the OnSale tag from any products that are not On-Sale