Dashboard: Visual Summary

Ablestar Link Manager allows you to quickly scan your Shopify store for broken links. We provide a simple dashboard view to summarize any issues.


From the Dashboard overview you can see a quick visual summary of the number of visitors that have been affected by broken links and the time affected:

Below the visual you have quick links for 'Things to do next':

  • Fix broken links: allows you to specify redirects for users who may have saved bookmarks with old links
  • Scan your store: takes you to the 'Site scan' page where you can schedule, run or export scans as needed

1. Fix Broken Links

From this view, you can specify new redirects for users who may have saved a bookmark with an old URL along with other options:

  • Search: allows you to search for keywords, specific text in quotes
  • Down arrow icon: this button will re-sync your data once you add a new redirect path
  • Eye icon: clicking the ignore/unignored icon will pause the redirect or make it active again

2. Scan your Store

Here you can schedule or run a new scan of your store to check for broken links.

Our functionality scans your home page and any product page descriptions, collection headings, blog posts, and all pages. 

Learn how to preview, edit, or redirect broken links in detail.

✅ Tips and Troubleshooting


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