Adding and Removing Images

In this article, we'll take you through the steps of both adding and removing images using the Bulk Editor app.

In order to follow along, you should have:

Editing Images with an In-App edit

Using an in-app edit, you can 

  • Add images to the end
  • Add images to the beginning
  • Remove images 

Note: Removing images is permanent; we can't restore the images from Shopify once they've been deleted.

When adding images, you need to include the entire URL from where the image is located. In the example below, we add the image located at to the 'Best book ever!' product.

To add images to the end:

  1. Open up the Bulk Product Editor app; you'll see a page where you can search for the products you want to edit
  2. Search for the products you would like to add an image to
  3. Once you have found the products, select Edit Products
  4. Field to Edit: Images
  5. How to Edit: Add image to end 
  6. Image URL to add to end of images: include the entire URL from where the image is located
  7. Click Run Edit

To add images to the beginning:

  1. Open up the Bulk Product Editor app; you'll see a page where you can search for the products you want to edit
  2. Search for the product that you would like to add an image to
  3. Once you have found the products, select Edit Products
  4. Field to Edit: Images
  5. How to Edit: Add image to beginning 
  6. Image URL to add to beginning of images: include the entire URL from where the image is located
  7. Click Run Edit

When removing images, you can use just a portion of the image name, and it will remove all images with file names that include that text. In the example below, we remove all images containing the word 'books' in the filename. (Removing images is permanent, we can't restore the images from Shopify once they've been deleted.)

To remove images:

  1. Open up the Bulk Product Editor app; you'll see a page where you can search for the products you want to edit
  2. Search for the product that you would like to remove an image from
  3. Once you have found the products, select Edit Products
  4. Field to Edit: Images
  5. How to Edit: Remove image
  6. Remove all images matching this text: in this example, we are removing all images that contain the word 'books' in the filename
  7. Click Run Edit

Editing Images with a Spreadsheet

You can use a spreadsheet to add images to products, but you cannot remove images with one. You have two options if you need to add multiple images to products.

  • Separate the image URLs into separate columns
  • Include all the URLs for the images in one field but separated by a | symbol.

In the example below, the spreadsheet we are using has a column for each image that needs to be added, and we have mapped both those columns to the 'Product Images(Add to End)' fields. 

The examples below show the two options for uploading images with a spreadsheet. In the first example, we have the images to be uploaded separated into two columns. In the second example, we combine both images into one field, separated by a | character.

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