Unmatched Rows on Spreadsheet Upload

When you run a spreadsheet edit for variant-level or product-level data in your store using Ablestar Bulk Product Editor, the 'Unmatched rows' indicator signals that some uploaded data is not matching existing product data in your current store database.

For example, if your product has four variants listed for a product that is not found in the database, it would be considered an unmatched row and flagged during the import for resolution.

This could be helpful in two ways:

  1. It could help you identify any products on a supplier's feed that are not yet created on your storefront.
  2. A useful tool to discover mistakes in your data, like a typo in the SKUs specified.

Click the download icon under 'Unmatched rows' to download a report of the data affected, so you can adjust products as needed.

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