How to Edit Handle URLs to Match Product Titles

If you edit the title of your Shopify product after it has been created you may notice that the product's URL does not match the title.

You can you Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to fix your URLs in bulk, while also creating redirects from the old URLs. This will prevent SEO problems or visitors from seeing your '404 - Page not found' error message.

Edit Products

From the product view, filter the set of products to update and click the Edit products button. We are going to set your product handles to be equal to the title of the product:

Select these fields:

  1. 'Field to Edit': search and input 'Handle (URL)'
  2. 'How to Edit': select 'Set text to value'
  3. Click the 'Add dynamic value' link and a popup window will appear. Choose 'Product Title' from the 'Field to use' field. Click Add dynamic field button to close the popup.
  4. Check the 'Create web redirects to the new handles' checkbox

{{ product.title ]] is now configured to replace all the existing URLs for filtered products

Click the Run edit button to apply all changes.

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