Fixing Shopify URLs to match product titles

If you edit the title of your Shopify product after it has been created you may notice that the product's URL does not match its title. You can you Ablestar Bulk Product Editor to fix this, while also creating redirects from the old URLs. This will prevent SEO problems or visitors from seeing your 'Page not found' error message.

You can do this by running an edit to set the product's handle to be equal to the title of the product. To do this, open up the app and search for the products you want to modify. Once you have the products, click on Edit Products and then do the following to configure your edit:

  1. Choose 'Handle' in the 'Field to Edit' dropdown
  2. Make sure that 'Set text to value' is selected in the 'How to edit' dropdown
  3. Click on Dynamic Field and choose 'Product Title' so that each handle will be set to the product's title
  4. Check the 'Create web redirects to the new handles' checkbox

If the preview looks correct, click on Run Edit and the app will start updating the products for you.

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