How to Customize Code Snippets

Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to use custom Shopify Liquid code to modify your product data. 

Learn more about recent extensions to code snippets in product variables.

Here are some example code snippets to give you ideas and help you start customizing your own.

Hide Out-of-Stock Products on POS

{% if product.available %}
  {% assign product.visibility = 'global' %}
{% else %}
  {% assign product.visibility = 'web' %}
{% endif %}

Set a Metafield from a Prefixed-Tag

In this example, a product with the tag "Condition_Used" would have the custom.condition metafield set to "Used"

{% assign value = product.tags | tag_suffix: "Condition_" %}
{% if value %}
  {% assign product.metafields.custom.condition.value = value %}
{% endif %}

Set a Metafield to an Option Value

{% assign variant = product.variants[0] %}
{% assign product.metafields.custom.brand.value = variant.option1 %}

Display an 'On-Sale' Tag for Products on Sale

{% assign has_variant_on_sale = false %}

{% for variant in product.variants %}
  {% if variant.compare_at_price and variant.price < variant.compare_at_price %}
    {% assign has_variant_on_sale = true %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

{% if has_variant_on_sale %}
  {% assign product.tags = product.tags | add_tag: "On-Sale" %}
{% else %}
  {% assign product.tags = product.tags | remove_tag: "On-Sale" %}
{% endif %}

Set Products with no Sellable Inventory to 'Draft'

{% if product.available == false and product.status == 'active' %}
  {% assign product.status = 'draft' %}
{% endif %}

Set the Cost of a Product Based on the Vendor

If a product is from vendor1 , the cost will be set to 50% of the price. If it's from vendor2 , it will be set to 60% of the price.

{% capture vendor_percentage_text %}
    "vendor1": 0.5,
    "vendor2": 0.6,
    "vendor3": 0.7
{% endcapture %}

{% assign vendor_percentages = vendor_percentage_text | parse_json %}
{% for vendor_percentage in vendor_percentages %}
  {% assign vendor = vendor_percentage[0] %}
  {% assign percentage = vendor_percentage[1] %}

  {% if product.vendor == vendor %}
    {% for variant in product.variants %}
      {% assign variant.cost = variant.price | times: percentage %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Set Search Boosts from a Metafield

If you want content from a metafield to be found by the Shopify Search & Discovery app you can use the following code snippet. It will copy each word from a metafield into the search boosts for that product.

{% assign boosts = product.metafields.shopify--discovery--product_search_boost.queries.value %}

{% # Add each individual word to search boost %}
{% assign words = product.metafields.custom.subtitle.value|split:" "  %}
{% for word in words %}
  Adding {{ word }}
  {% assign boosts = boosts|add_list:word %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign boosts = boosts| slice: 0,10 %}
{% assign product.metafields.shopify--discovery--product_search_boost.queries.value = boosts|json %}


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