Extensions to the Liquid language
To support a full range of edits, we've added some extensions to the core Liquid language and product
variable. The main changes are outlined below.
New Product and Variant Fields
The product
variable has the following non-standard fields:
- the numeric ID of the standard product categoryimage_count
- the number of images a product has (read-only)
Each variant in product.variants
also has the following:
- cost - the cost associated with the variant
Variable assignment
You can assign values to specific fields of the product
object (and other variables):
{% assign product.vendor = "Ablestar" %}
{% assign product.metafields.custom.condition.value = 'As New' %}
You can also assign variant values while you're in a for
loop. For example, this code would set all variants to have a price of 10:
{% for variant in product.variants %}
{% assign variant.price = 10 %}
{% endfor %}
Tag filters
We've added several tag filters to make it easier to modify tags and metafields.
You can add a tag with the add_tag
filter. This handles duplicates and different capitilizations of tags:
{% assign product.tags = product.tags|add_tag: 'newtags' %}
You can remove a tag with the remove_tag
filter. This also different capitilizations of tags and only runs if the tag exists:
{% assign product.tags = product.tags|remove_tag: 'newtags' %}
You can see if a product contains a tag with the has_tag
filter. You can also use the standard contains
Liquid command however this will also match on tags with different capitalizations:
{% assign hasNewTag = product.tags|has_tag: 'newtag' %}
You can extract the value from a prefixed tag with the tag_suffix
filter. In the example below, the value variable would be set to New
if the product had the tag Condition_New
{% assign value = product.tags | tag_suffix: "Condition_" %}
Collection Filters
You can add and remove manual/custom collections by using the handle of the collection:
{% assign product.collections = product.collections|add_collection:"new-c" %}
{% assign product.collections = product.collections|remove_collection:"old-c" %}
You can also use the has_collection
filter to quickly check if a product is in a collection:
{% assign has_summer_sale = product.collections|has_collection:"summer-sale" %}
List Filters
{% assign product.metafields.custom.countries_of_origin = product.metafields.custom.countries_of_origin|add_list:"France" %}
{% assign product.metafields.custom.countries_of_origin = product.metafields.custom.countries_of_origin|remove_list:"Germany" %}
{% unless product.metafields.custom.countries_of_origin contains "France" %}
{% assign product.metafields.custom.countries_of_origin = product.metafields.custom.countries_of_origin|add_list:"France" %}
{% endunless %}
Additional Filters
You can use the parse_json
filter to load text into a JSON object. This can be useful if you have a lot of different values you want to check for:
{% capture vendor_price_adjustment_text %}
"vendor1" : 10,
"vendor2" : 20,
"vendor3" : 30
{% endcapture %}
{% assign vendor_price_adjustments = vendor_price_adjustment_text | parse_json %}
{% for vendor_adjustment in vendor_price_adjustments %}
{% assign vendor = vendor_adjustment[0] %}
{% assign adjustment = vendor_adjustment[1] %}
{% endfor %}
The parse_json
filter tries to be more generous in the data it accepts. For example, it will accept fields surrounded by single quotes, and trailing commas for lists, both of which are not supported in the strict JSON specification.