Adding your Google Shopping Feed to Google Merchant Center

After you create a Google Shopping feed export the next step is to add it to the Google Merchant Center. This article assumes that you have already created a Google Merchant Center account.

To set up Google Merchant Center to use your feed:

  1. Log in to your Google Merchant Center account and go to Products -> Feeds in the left-hand menu
  2. Click on the big blue circle with the plus sign to add a new feed
  3. Configure your target countries, set a "Feed label" and click on Continue.
  4. Enter a feed name and choose the Schedule fetch type, the click on Continue
  5. Copy the URL to your feed into the "File URL" input box. This is the public URL to got when you created the Google Shopping feed export.
  6. Configure the rest of the scheduling options and click on Create feed

Now Google will fetch your file at the scheduled time and import those products to Google Merchant Center. You can read Google's documentation to learn more about automatically importing products from a URL.

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