How to Export Shopify Markets Catalog Price Lists
Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to export your fixed prices from Shopify Market catalogs to a spreadsheet.
Before getting started, make sure market data is refreshed and synced properly.
From the dashboard view, click the 'Exports data' menu:
- Choose your file format
- In the 'Additional columns' section, search for the Shopify Markets Catalog section. Select the fields below that label that you prefer to export
- Choose any additional fields to include in the export
- Click the Generate spreadsheet button to start processing the export
- Once status is complete, click the Download button to save a local copy
You can access all exports at a later date by navigating to the History → Exports menu links. Learn more about historical data you can access.
✅ Tips and Troubleshooting
- Shopify Markets catalog price lists have to be synced manually and are not automatic
- We save your history of exports, imports, files and edits for later reference