How to Verify Google Shopping Data

After you set your Google Shopping data you might want to check that the data in Shopify is correct. Behind the scenes, Google Shopping data is stored as a product metafield.

There are a few methods to confirm your Google Shopping data in Shopify.


Shopify Admin

From the product view in the Shopify admin, you can click the Export button. Downloading this export will return a list of columns with Google Shopping data included.

Ablestar Bulk Editor

Ablestar Bulk Product Editor allows you to specify which fields you would like to export for download. The spreadsheet can be exported to various formats and can include Google Shopping fields for multiple products at once. You can export all products or just a subset of products:

All Products

From the app dashboard view, click the 'Export data' menu

  • Configure the format required
  • In the 'Additional fields' section, check all the Google Shopping fields required and uncheck those that are not necessary

Click Generate spreadsheet to process the export

Product Subset

From the app dashboard view, click the 'Products' menu

  • Add filters to narrow down specific products required for export
  • Click the Export button to process

Pin Definition to Product View

One quick way to add visibility to your fields would be to pin the Google Shopping field to your product detail as a metafield definition:

From the Shopify Admin settings menu → click Custom data:

  1. Create a metafield definition for the Google Shopping field
  2. Click any definition to pin or unpin to the product detail view

Now, you can view your Google Shopping Field from the product detail view.

Shopify Admin Bulk Editor

Shopify no longers offer the ability to view all Google fields for a product, however we know of a workaround.

  1. Navigate to the Product list in the Shopify Admin, and note the URL is formatted similar to:  
  1. Copy this text to your clipboard:
  1. Paste the new text over this part of the URL products?selectedView=all so your URL now appears formatted as:

Clicking Enter should navigate you to the new URL and display a complete matrix of all products with Google Shopping fields included:

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