How to Cancel your Subscription

Paid plans for Ablestar Bulk Product Editor are billed every 30 days through Shopify. You can cancel your subscription at any time through the app. This will automatically stop the recurring subscription and any payments.

Cancel your Subscription

There are two ways to cancel your subscription and stop recurring payments:


From the app dashboard view:

  1. Click the 'Settings' menu
  2. Scroll down and click the 'Plan' section
  3. Select the Cancel Plan link
  4. Confirm you want to cancel by clicking on the Downgrade to free button

Once you cancel the subscription you will no longer be billed, and the app will continue to store your product edit logs for the usual amount of time. Please contact us if you need a copy of your product edit logs without resubscribing to the paid version.

Uninstall the app

You can also cancel a subscription by uninstalling the app from the Shopify admin. This will stop any recurring subscriptions but will also remove all history / edit logs to be deleted after 48 hours (in keeping with Shopify's data retention policy).

Before uninstalling the app we recommend exporting necessary history as a backup. From the app dashboard view:

  1. Click the 'History' navigation menu
  2. Choose any tab (Edits, Exports, Imports, Files)
  3. Click on the specific row you would like to backup
  4. On the detail page, click the Download button or icon to start the CSV export

Notes on Billing

Shopify acts as a billing intermediary between our company, Ablestar LLC, and you, the Shopify merchant. We do not have the ability to charge your credit card directly, but if you have a paid plan, you will see a line item on your Shopify bill for our app.

The 30-day billing period for the subscription might not line up exactly with your 30-day billing period in Shopify. This can lead to confusion where you see a charge on your invoice after you have canceled your subscription.

Shopify has a more detailed explanation of the billing cycles, but if you have any questions about why you were charged, we are happy to help, just get in touch.

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